Focus orbs are divided into three categories.
Red |
Yellow |
Blue |
This Mark's it as this orbs PRIMARY STAT,
Higher level focus's may contain 2 Primary stats.
after capturing a ton of undead claymore souls we can begin the smelting process.
What to look for:
- Talents - Each orb can have up to 3 talents, Stats highlighted as a talent grow more as you improve the focus, so smelting until you gain a talent on the chosen stat, CRIT in this case if your first goal.
2. Meld's - Each focus can be melded with up to 15 times, this process is used to improve your base orb (above) stat's.
The goal to get as close to perfect with all 4 stats and have meld's left to improve upon it's growth rate.
3. Set a target - by the half way point in your meld's you should be looking at these stats as a minimum, if your just not having the luck getting the meld's delete and start fresh the next day, it is a wasteful process but without allowing a cut off point, you'll waste ether, time and money polishing a turd.
4. Don't rush it - this process is limited by smelt exhaustion, just because u can only smelt a few more orbs today, doesn't mean you have to use up all your meld's.
The best focus's take weeks to find the right melds for so be patient.
Addressing the skills and composition will be added tomorrow after exhaustion resets.